Join My Street Team

Authors depend on our amazing readers to help spread the word about our books...readers just like you!

Do you like hunky heroes? Fearsome heroines? Edge of your seat suspense and romance the way God intended? Then maybe you'd like to join my street team. I've named it Virginia's VIPs because, let's face it, my readers are all Very Important People.


Members of the team receive Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) in exchange for the promise to help promote the book once it is released. This can be done in various ways including but not limited to the following:

  • Leaving a review on Amazon
  • Leaving a review of Barnes and Noble
  • Adding the book to your Goodreads to read list
  • Reviewing on Goodreads
  • Featuring the book on your blog
  • Posting a photo of the book on social media (in a store, at a coffee shop, with your dog, ect.)
  • Asking your local library to order a copy of the book
  • Sharing memes of the book on social media (that you create or I share with you).

VIPs are also included in a private Facebook group with exclusive content and giveaways.



  • I understand the zero spam policy. I am free to share posts on Facebook and Twitter, and comment on groups I am active in about Virginia's books, but spamming of any kind will be cause for immediate removal from the group.
  • I understand if I fail to post a review when promised, I will not be offered future ARC copies.

If you agree you can accomplish these tasks, please feel free to complete the following sign up form.


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